Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Tabouleh, tabbouleh or tabouli is an Arabic dish famous in Lebanon, Syrian, Palestine and Jordan. It is often used as part of appetizer. Tabouleh primary ingredients are burgul), finely chopped parsley, mint, tomato, scallion and other herbs with lemon juice, olive oil and various seasonings.

3/4 cup of fine grained cracked wheat (Burgul...)
3 cups of water
3 cups of fresh minced parsley
2-3 large chopped tomatoes
4-5 minced green onions
10 fresh mint leaves (Minced) or 2 tablespoons of dried mint

1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup olive oil
Salt to taste
Rinse the cracked wheat several times and set aside to soak in the water for 20 minutes or longer.
Chop the parsley very, very fine (hahhah PLZ Do not use a blender lol..).
Add remaining ingredients and squeeze the wheat by handfuls, removing all the water, and add to the salad. Pour on the dressing and mix well.
Serve accompanied by crisp leaves of lettuce to be used to scoop up the salad.

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