Sunday, February 05, 2012


Salam Maudidul Rasul for all,
Today I want to share some informtionsa about BLACK GLUTINOUS RICE:-
Black Rice has quickly become known as a ‘super food’. ‘Super foods’ are certain types of foods that offer many consequential health benefits aside from their inherent caloric and nutritional value.
The main thing that separates Black Rice from all the other varieties of rice is its amazingly strong Antioxidant properties, which come from its pigment. This is the same type of pigment found in other types of antioxidant rich foods such as the many varieties of berries. Antioxidants are quickly becoming a staple for scientific food research,anthocyanins are in the flavonoid pigments of Black Rice and are the source of antioxidants. They have been linked to prevention and even treatment of a wide range of medical conditions. In addition to its almost legendary antioxidant properties, Black Rice is also a well known anti-inflammatory food; which helps cut down on general infections and illnesses. In recent studies antioxidants have been found to seriously slow down the aging process, so Black Rice is really worth eating if just for those benefits alone; but it also offers an entire host of other great benefits in addition to that as well.
Research into the uses and applications for Antioxidants has revealed that they are linked to the prevention / treatment of the following areas / conditions:
Anti- aging
Heart disease
Alzheimer’s disease
Black Rice is a great substitute for traditional antioxidant rich foods such as blueberries which are also much more expensive. Antioxidants are also known to actively break down the nasty types of arterial plaque, and chemically fight high cholesterol levels. The magical thing about Black Rice is that it can do all of this without any harmful side effects such as those that you might find in current prescriptions available from your physician.
On the other end of the spectrum, Black Rice is also a generally super nutritious type of rice, especially when compared to its brethren. Black Rice is very rich in fiber (necessary for a healthy and regulated digestive system), as well as iron, vitamin E and a host of other crucial minerals.
What better way to look out for your health than to enjoy this wonderful almost magical breed of rice. Regular consumption of Black Rice may cut down or completely eliminate many of your future health problems. And what better way to get healthy and stay that way with such a delicious and evocative food that was scarcely available (if at all) at one time.
A quick browse on the internet found me with an interesting new knowledge about this black rice. The black rice is being compared to berries for its antioxidant, as mentioned by this article: black rice which in addition to its high level of antioxidants contains less sugar and more fiber and vitamin E than blueberries.

A Quote from that website, In addition to its almost legendary antioxidant properties, Black Rice is also a well known anti-inflammatory food, which helps cut down on general infections and illnesses. In recent studies antioxidants have been found to seriously slow down the aging process, so Black Rice is really worth eating if just for those benefits alone, but it also offers an entire host of other great benefits in addition to that as well.
O Wow! All this while I've been eating the black glutinous porridge just for its taste, but now I now that it has some medicational value too.
The making of the porridge is quite simple.
What you need are:

1 cup of black glutinous rice
pandan levae
Sugar (as much u like)
200ml Coconut milk
A pinch of salt

Boil the black rice with water and pandan leave until the rice doubled and soft.
Add water frequently.
While boiling, stir once in a while as it easily sticks to the bottom of your cooking pot.
Once doubled and soft, add sugar, salt and the coconut milk(or fresh milk). And it's done.
Since I substitute the coconut milk with the fresh milk, I topped my porridge with some coconut milk for decoration.
Enjoy ....

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