Showing posts with label sayur/ vege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sayur/ vege. Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Salah satu resepi melayu yang amat simple dan paling Lydia suka. Bukan saja senang malah jianya berkahasiat lagi mudah nak disediakan. Campak- campak dah siap. Sesuai untuk yang berdiet pon. Rasanya masakan macam ni popular kat sebelah utara dan resepi ni lydia dapat dari ahsil menjadi PEMERHATI melihat my tok/opah/nenek/uwan memasak di dapur.. Simple sangakan? Budak kecik pon leh masak..

bawang merah * -dimayang halus
bawang putih*
ikan bilis
asam keping (kalau tak ada guna air asam jawa,tapi kaler keroh sikit-lydia guna air asam ajwa sbb di sini tak ada asam keping)
garam (secukup rasa)
6 biji cili api (belah, tp x putus)-tak letak sbb tak suka
Dalam periuk, masukkan bahan *, cili, asam keping dan air,
Tunggu sehingga mendidih, setelah mendidih, masukkan bendi. kemudian, perasakan dengan garam. agak-agak bendi dah empuk, matikan api, sedia untuk dihidang

Monday, October 01, 2012


Asalamualikum dan salam sejahtera. Sebenarnya nasi ni dah 3-4 hari masak cuma sikit 2M'(Malas & Migraine) nak post N3 maka hari ni 2Mjuga tapi kenalah post gak sebab dah tak tahu nak buat apao so gagahkan diri menaip resepi. Actually nasi tai tak tahu nama sebenarnya sebab dulu kalu beli kat restoran Yemen kat Kuwait ni cakap nak nasik merah lauk ayam makan ni je yang nak kasi nama maut sikit maka boh ler nama NASI AYAM HADRAMAUT..memang maut makan sedap wooo...
U olls jangan ler takut kalau tengok my recipe ni banyak bahan, tapi percayalah nak masak senang jer.. Masak Nasi Beryani India.Msai lagi leceh.. Try la..recipe kat bawah..


Bahan untuk merebus ayam
1/2 ekor ayam – potong )
pinch of nutmeg powder
1/4 cmt cardamom powder
1/4 cmt arabic mix spices
1-2 helai daun bay
1/4 camt kayu manis powder
2 kuntum bunga cengkih
1/4 camt corainder powder
pinch of serbuk lada hitam
1/4 camt cumin powder
1/4 camt ginger powder
1 biji tomato yang ranum- dibelah 4
1 labu bawang besar - didadu kecil
1 biji lada hijau - belah 2 –tk letak sbb tak ada stock ari ni
garam secukup rasa
air secukupnya untuk merebus ayam
Masukkan ayam dalam periuk bersama kesemua bahan di atas kecuali garam.
Rebuslah hingga ayam empuk lebih kurang 30 minit.
Masukkan garam pada 15 minit terakhir.
Asingkan ayam dari kuah/stock, tapis air/kuahnya.

Bahan untuk memasak nasi
2 biji cardamom pods*
1 helai daun bay*
1 batang kulit kayu manis*
2 kuntum bunga cengkih*
1/4 camt corainder powder*
1/4 camt serbuk lada hitam*
1/2 camt cumin powder*
1/4 camt ginger powder*
1 labu bawang besar - didadu kecil
1 biji lada hijau - belah 2*
garam secukup rasa
4 camb cawan minyak masak
11/2 cawan beras basmati
21/2 cawan air/air rebusan- (1cwn beras=11/2-2 cawan air bergantung jenis beras)
Tumiskan bahan bawang hingga transparent.
Masukka bahan bertanda* dan terus menumis hingga terbi baunya.
Masukkan beras dan goreng sebati dengan rempah ratus hingag transparent dalam 2-3 minit.
Kemudian masukkan air rebusan ayam tadi.
Masukkan garam secukupnya bersama sedikit saja pewarna kuning.
Kacau sedikit dan biarkan hingga mendidih dengan api yang paling besar dan tutupkan dengan penutup periuk.
Bila air hampir kering masukkan sedikit lagi pewarna merah+kuning bersama sedikit air panas dalam 1/4 cawan air(dicampur bersama baru tuang atas nasi)tadi di tengah- tengah periuk dan perlahankan api.
Tanak seperti biasa hingga nasik benar benar masak.
Bila nasi dah masak tutupkan api dan biarkan selama 5 minit dan gemburkan sedikit dengan garfu.
Taraaaaa… Nasi siap untuk dihidangkan…

NOTE:-sementara menunggu nasik masak bakar ayam

Cara-cara masak ayam
1 biji bawang besar-didadu kasar
2 ulas bawang putih-dicincang halus
2 camb minyak masak
2 biji tomato fresh-didadu kasar
1/2 cawan chopped fresh coriander
1 biji capsicum hijau- didadu kasar
1-2 biji cili hijau/ cili api kalau nak pedas (Lydia boh cili merah sbb abis stok)
2 camb tomato paste
1/4 camt ginger powder*
1/8 camt nutmeg powder *
2-3 biji cardamom pods
1 batang kulit kayu manis
1/2 camt corainder powder *
1/4 camt serbuk lada hitam *
1/2 camt cumin powder *
1/4 camt arabic mixed spices *
1/4 camt kunyit powder*-dicampur bersama, & add sikit air, gaul sebati
Sedikit air rebusan ayam-ikut suka nak banyak mana kuah
garam secukup rasa .
Panaskan minyak dalam periuk, tumiskan bawang besar hingga transparent.
Masukkan bawang putih, biarkan hingga naik baud an mauskkan rempah* (yg dicampur bersama), cardamom pods , cili dan kulit kayu manis.
Kacau hingga naik bau wangi rempah ratus.
Masukkan fresh tomato, mask hingga tomato layu.
Masukkan capsicum dan gorengkan sebentar hingga sedikit layu dan masukkan tomato paste, masakkan sehingga sedikit kering dan masukkan ayam, kaacau hingga ayam bergaul rata dengan tomato dan tambahkan sedikit air biarkan sebentar hingga kuah pekat.
Tutupkan api dan taburkan dengan fresh coriander.
Hidangkan dengan nasi.
Selamat mencuba.
Note:- Tak yah masak lama ayam tu sebab, ayam dah pon masak just nak bagi mesra ngan rempah ratus/sosnya saja. Sos tu pula kering/lembab cam ayam masak merah jer tau bukan macam kari.


2-3 biji buah tomato masak
cili hijau/cili api(ikut kepedasan masing2)
3 ulas bawang putih
1 labu bawang besar
lemon jus lemon (semasam yang anda suka)
garam secupup rasa sedikit air untuk blend bahan
Blend kesemua bahan dan simpan dalam peti sejuk selaam 30 minit sebelum dihidangkan.


1 biji bawang besar-di dadu halus
2 ulsa bawang putih- dicincang halus
4 camb tomato paste
1-2 biji cili hijau
2 biji medium fresh tomato- kupas kulitnya & didadu kasar
sayur (bendi@terung@carrot@zucchini@labu@potato@buncis)-pilih yg mana suka atau masukkan semua/ pilih 2-3 jenis sayur masak bersama- dadu kasar
air rebusan ayam
1 camb lemon jus
1/2 camt arab mix spices*
1/2 camt cumin powder*
1/2 camt corainder powder*
1/4 camt cardamom powder*
1/4 camt black paper powder*
2 camb minyak masak
Garam secukup rasa
sedikit chopped fresh corainder-utk tabur
Panaskan minyak dalam periuk dan tumiskan bawang besar hingag transparent.
Masukkan cili hijau dan gorengkan sebentar.
Masukkan bawang putih dan bahan bertanda, biarkan sebentar hingga terbit bau.
Masukkan sayuran dan gorengkan sebentar dan masukkan fresh tomato dan gorengkan hingga tomato layu.
Masukkan tomato paste dan kacau sebati.
Masukkan air/ chicken stock, biarkan mereneh hingga sayuran masak Dan masukkan jus lemon serta garam.
Offkan api dan taburkan dengan fresh corainder leave.
Hidangkan dengan nasi..

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The MOST popular sup kat Arab Gulf/ khaleej....
Ianya dihidangkan setiap hari pada waktu berbuka puasa tanpa jemu sebelum mengambil makanan berat. Kebiassannya after azan orang Arab Gulf/ Khaleej akan makan tamar dan minum air. Selepas itu mereka akan makan tashreeba dan seterusnya sembahyang maghrib berjemaah bersama keluarga ataupun di masjid. Kemudian barulah mereka mengambil heavy foods.. Tashreeba is once of my favourite soup..It's very simple, healty and delicous..
Try my simple and easy Tashreeba recipe..

Lamb Tashreeba
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
½ kg lamb, cut into pieces
3 tablespoons tomato paste
3 medium tomatoes, peeled and pureed
3 cloves garlic, peeled
1/4 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp cardmom powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
1/8 tsp black papper powder
Salt to taste
2 pcs bay leaves
2 pcs dried limes/ loomy
1.5 L water
5 baby onions, peeled
1 medium Zucchini*
1 carrot*
1 medium potato*- cut into large cubes
1 cup canned chickpeas
Regag Bread

Heat vegetable oil in a large non-stick saucepan, add & cook lamb from all sides golden brown.
Add tomato paste and stir for 3 minutes.
Add tomato pureed, garlic cloves, dried lime, baby onion & water. Bring to boil and simmer uncovered for over a low heat until the lamb is soft and tender.
Add potato, zucchini, carrot & chickpeas, simmer for 20 minutes or until vegetables are cooked.
Place the bread pieces over a large serving plate and pour on the stew sauce to soak the bread then place the remaining of the stew on top.
Cooking tips : You can use chicken to reduce fat content or only vegetable.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Salata Fatoush
Fatoush is an appetizer salad dish made from several vegetables and toasted or fried pieces of pita bread. Fatoush salad allows cooks to use seasonal produce by mixing different vegetables and herbs according to taste, and also to make use of pitas that have gone stale. The vegetables are cut into large pieces compared to Tabbouleh which requires ingredients to be finely chopped. ...Sumac is usually used to give Fatoush its sour taste. Fatoush is a famous dish served at Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian, and Jordanian.

Lettuce (Washed, Dried and torn into small pieces
Tomatoes (Cut into small pieces)
Cucumbers ( peeled and cut into small pieces)
1/2 cup of onion or green onion (coarsely chopped)
Fresh mint leaves (torn into pieces)
Fresh parsely (chopped)
Frying toasted Arabic bread

1 clove of garlic (crushed with salt)
Salt to taste
Lemmon juice
Olive oil (to taste)
Add all vegetables in a salad bowl.
Mixed all the dressing and pour over salad/ vegetable.
Sprinkle with bread on the top and serve


Tabouleh, tabbouleh or tabouli is an Arabic dish famous in Lebanon, Syrian, Palestine and Jordan. It is often used as part of appetizer. Tabouleh primary ingredients are burgul), finely chopped parsley, mint, tomato, scallion and other herbs with lemon juice, olive oil and various seasonings.

3/4 cup of fine grained cracked wheat (Burgul...)
3 cups of water
3 cups of fresh minced parsley
2-3 large chopped tomatoes
4-5 minced green onions
10 fresh mint leaves (Minced) or 2 tablespoons of dried mint

1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup olive oil
Salt to taste
Rinse the cracked wheat several times and set aside to soak in the water for 20 minutes or longer.
Chop the parsley very, very fine (hahhah PLZ Do not use a blender lol..).
Add remaining ingredients and squeeze the wheat by handfuls, removing all the water, and add to the salad. Pour on the dressing and mix well.
Serve accompanied by crisp leaves of lettuce to be used to scoop up the salad.

Syrian Cabbage Rolls (Mahshi Malfoof)

Syrian Cabbage Rolls (Mahshi Malfoof)

1 medium cabbage
1 tbsp salt
enough water to boil and cover cabbage

1 cup Egyptian rice-wash and drain
1/2 fresh tomato-finely chopped
2 tbsp spring onion*
2 tbsp fresh parsely*
2 tbsp fresh corainder leave*-finely chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp dry mints
1/2 tsp Arabic Mixed spices
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp Black pepper powder
1 MAGGI Chicken cube
1 tbsp garlic paste
2-3 tbsp lemon juice

600ml Water(+-)
1 pc MAGGI chicken cube
2 tbsp olive oil.
1/4 tsp arabic mixed spices
2 tbsp lemon juice

Place cabbage in a pot of boiling water and cook for a few minutes to soften leaves.
Remove from water and with a knife, loosen leaves from the base.
If the leaves are still not soft, boil again for a few minutes.
When all leaves are cut free, trim the bottom portion of the thick rib from each leave (about 2 inches), leaving a large circle that will be used to wrap the filling.
Note - If the leaves are very large, they may be cut in half before use.

To make filling-
Place all remaining ingredients in a bowl and thoroughly mix.
Place some filling on the wide end of a cabbage leaf and roll, tucking in the ends in the process.
Continue until all leaves are finished.
Cover bottom of saucepan with cabbage ribs and any extra leaves.
Arrange rolls side by side.
Mix all the sauce ingredients.
Pour over cabbage rolls, add a little extra water if you needed so that the liquid comes up at least half way up the pan.
Place plates on top of the cabbage rolls to press them down.
Bring to a boil, over medium heat for 1 hrs or until very tender and soft.
Serve hot.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Stuffed Baby Zucchini with Tomato Sauce (Kosa Makshi)

Stuffed Baby Zucchini with Tomato Sauce Kousa mahshi)

Kousa Mehshi (Stuffed Zucchini) is an Arabic main dish spread in the mediterranean region . I omit the mince beef/ lamb, this simple and tasty dish makes a great vegetarian option for the Ramadhan diet.
I learned to make this dish while visiting my sister in-law in Syria. She is a truly amazing woman; she excels at whatever she puts her hands to, and of course she is a fantastic cook! Since I’m a beginner at speaking Arabic and in the kitchen involved a lot of pointing, gesturing, nodding, and excitement when the other person finally understood what was being communicated. But that just made it all the more memorable. In Syria, the zucchini is a lot smaller than the zucchini typically found here (a 6” zucchini there is pretty big!), so at first I wasn’t sure how to make this dish with our jumbo-sized zucchini.
Then a solution struck me, and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it sooner – just cut the zucchini into smaller pieces before hollowing it out! It worked brilliantly. Also, just in case you have a bounty of other vegetables from your garden you need to use up, you can use this recipe to make stuffed eggplant, tomato and peppers.

Rice mixture
500gms baby Zucchini, stalks trimmed, washed
1/2 cup egyptian rice , washed and drained
1/2 tomato-finely chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 pc MAGGI cube
2 tbsp fresh corrainder leraves-finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh parsely leaves-finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh onion spring-finely chopped
1 tsp garlic paste
2-3 tbsp lemon juice
1/8 tsp black pepper powder
1/4 tsp dry mints
1/4 tsp arab mix spices
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder

sauce mixture
1ps MAGGI cube
1/4 tsp dry mints
1/4 tsp arabic mixed spices
1/4 cup tomato paste
700 ml water
1-2 tbsp lemon juice
Lebanese bread, to serve
Natural yoghurt, to serve

Hallow the zucchini, wash well and set aside.
In a large saucepan combine rice, spring onion, spices, garlic, parsely, corainder, lemon juice, dry mints, MAGGI cube, black pepper, arabic mixed spices, olive oil, cinnamon powder and tomato.
Stuff the zucchini with the rice mixture.
Fill each zucchini shell about three-quarters full with the rice mixture and arrange in a casserole with a single layer.
Cover with sauce mixture.
Place plates on top of the zucchini to press them down.
Cover and simmer over low heat for 1 hour or until zucchini and rice are very tender and soft.
Divide among serving dishes and pour over broth.
Serve with bread and yoghurt


Dolma/ Warak Enab/ Yabrak or Yalanji is a family of stuffed vegetable dishes in the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire and surrounding regions, including Turkey, Egypt, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, the Balkans, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Northern Sudan, Central and South Asia. Perhaps the best-known is the grape-leaf dolma, which is more precisely called yabrak, Yalanji(Arabic: يلنجي )or Warak enab mehshi (in Arabic ورق عنب محشي) is a same.
It's an Arabic popular dish of Lebanese origin. The plate is composed by vine leaves stuffed with rice, principally. Yalanji/ dolma/ warak Enab/ Yabrak is an appetizer dish mostly served at Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian famous restaurants.
The stuffing may or may not include meat. Stuffed Grape Leaves can be served as a side dish or a main dish. At restaurants it is usually served as a side dish, but when cooked at home it is mostly considered as a main dish. Warak enab is famous in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt and Iraq.
Here is a step by step my recipe on how to make a vegetarian warak enab.
Cinnamon and mint seasoning make this version of a popular eastern Mediterranean food typically Lebanese and Syria.

1 jar vine/grape leaves
2 1/2 cups rice
2 whole garlic cloves
8 garlic cloves crushed with salt
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon arabic mixed spices
2 cubes MAGGI chicken cube
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh corrainder leave, finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh spring onion, finely chopped
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 medium sized tomato, chopped
1 tsp dried mint

Dip/ soften the vine leaves in boiling water for 1 minute, remove and set aside.
Wash rice and mix with all teh ingredients.
Open the vine leaves on a board one at a time.
Put 1 tsp of the mixture on the center of each leave, fold in 2 sides to the middle then roll tightly to form a cylinder about three inches long and somewhat thicker than a cigar.
Repeat until finish all the leaves or the stuffing.

Place the vine leave in the bottom of a saucepan, then put the stuffed leaves on top, Put whole garlic.
Sprinkle with MAGGI cubes and add water.
Use a plate to fit inside the saucepan as a lid, to stop the vine leaves from opening.
Cook on slow heat for about 1 hour when the leaves are well cooked.
Remove vine leaves carefully from pot/pan.
Cool fingers in cold water to facilitate handling the hot rolls.
Arrange on platter.
Serve hot/cold.

Monday, February 06, 2012


STUFFING ZUCCHINI (koosa mahshi)
15 pieces Baby zucchinis
1 Large onion-finely chopped*
2 tbsp Virgin olive oil*
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder*
3oog minced lamb*
1C Egyptian rice-wash, soak and drain*
1/4C Fresh coriander-finely chopped*
1/2C onion spring-finely chopped*
1/2 tbp dried mint*
1/2 tsp arabic mived spices
Salt & pepper to taste*
1 cube MAGGI stock-crushed
500ml Water
2-3 tbsp Tomato paste
Add all* and mix well until combined.
Core each baby zucchini and stuff then with the lamb mixture.
Arrange baby zucchinis in a deep casserole.
Add water, MAGGI cube and tomato paste.
Cover and simmer over the low heat for 30-45 minutes or until baby zucchinis are almost cooked.
Serve with green salad and plain yoghurt.
Note: Zucchini provide useful amounts of the vitamin folic acid and potassium.

Sunday, February 05, 2012


Once of my feveret resepi dari dulu kini dan selamanya..
walaupon rasa petola Made In India tak sama ngan petola Malaysia tapi kira ok lah sesekali layan tekak sendiri..

1 biji petola
1/2 batang carrot
1 biji tomato-dipotong 4
1 keping fuchuk- direndam sampai kembang
sedikit soohon- rendam sampai kembang
Garam secukup rasa
2 biji bawang merah-mayang halus
2 ulas bawang putih- di ketuk sedikit
air secukupnya
minyak untuk menumis
sedikit ikan bilis

Bersihkan petola dan carrot serta kupas kulit sayur petola dan potong ikut pada citarasa anda.
Panaskan sedikit minyak dan tumis bawang dan bilis sampai wangi dan terus masukkan air.
Kacau kuah dan biarkan sampai mendidih , kemudian masukkan carrot dan tomato.
Selepas 2 minit masukkan petola,suhun dan fucuk .
Kacau lagi dan masukkan garam , biarkan semua sayur masak dan empuk tapi jangan masak terlalu lama nanti sayur jadi lembik dan tak sedap pulak.
Selamat mencuba..:))

Monday, October 17, 2011

STUFFING ZUCCHINI (koosa mahshi)

STUFFING ZUCCHINI (koosa mahshi)

15 pieces Baby zucchinis
1 Large onion-finely chopped*
2 tbsp Virgin olive oil*
... 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder*
3oog minced lamb*
1C Egyptian rice-wash, soak and drain*
1/4C Fresh coriander-finely chopped*
1/2 tsp dried mint*
Salt & pepper to taste*
1 cube MAGGI stock-crushed
500ml Water
2-3 tbsp Tomato paste

How to prepare:
Add all * and mix well until combined. Core each baby zucchini and stuff then with the lamb mixture.
Arrange baby zucchinis in a deep casserole. Add water, MAGGI cube and tomato paste.
Cover and simmer over the low heat for 30-45 minutes or until baby zucchinis are almost cooked.
Serve with green salad and plain yogurt.

Note: Zucchini provide useful amounts of the vitamin folic acid and potassium.

Friday, April 15, 2011


1 large head green/white cabbage
1 medium Onion- finely chopped
2 tbsp Virgin olive oil
500g Minced beef
1C short grain rice-wash, soak & drained
1/2 tsp all spices
1 tsp Salt
2 large Fresh tomatoes-blended without water
1/4C Fresh coriander- finely chopped
2 Cloves garlic
1/4C Lemon juice
1 cube MAGGI
500ml Hot water (+-)
How to prepare:
In a large port, drop cabbage with hot boiling salted water until limp, about 5-6 minutes.
Separate leave from head of cabbage carefully. Drain, cut leave in half, remove the hard stalk from the leaves/ discard center ribs and set aside.
Combine all remaining ingredients, except water, garlic, and MAGGI cube and lemon juice.
Place 1 tbsp of mixture on each leaf and roll up, tucking in side to contain filling (they are look like small spring roll).
Combine remaining ingredients, pack finished rolls, and flap side down and close together.
Place cabbage parcels, flap side down in deep casserole.
Dissolve the remaining MAGGI cube with the hot water and pour over the cabbage rolls. Put china plate on the top of cabbage, cover with the casserole lid and cook in a medium/ low heat for one an half hour.

1 large head green/white cabbage
2 medium Onion- finely chopped
2 tbsp Virgin olive oil
500g Minced lamb
1 Carrot- finely chopped
1 tsp Cumin powder
1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp ground Black pepper
1C short grain rice-wash soaks, drained & half cooked
1/3C Pine nuts
2 tbsp tomato paste
1/4C Fresh coriander- finely chopped
2 Cloves garlic-crushed
2 cube MAGGI stock
500ml Hot water (+-)
How to prepare:
Boil cabbage leaves in boiling water for 6 minutes or until soft and limp, about 5-6 minutes.
Separate leave from head of cabbage carefully. Drain and remove the hard stalk from the leaves and set aside.
In a large pan, heat oil, fry onions and pine nuts over a medium heat for 3-4 minutes.
Add minced lamb, garlic, carrots, cumin, and cinnamon, black pepper, and 1 cube MAGGI stock, cook for 2 minutes.
Add tomato paste, coriander and rice; stir until well combined for another 3 minutes.
Remove from heat and allow cooling slightly.
Place 1 tbsp of the filling on the edge of a cabbage leaf. Fold in edges and roll into a neat parcel (they are look like small spring roll).
Place cabbage parcels, flap side down in deep oven proof dish, dissolve the remaining MAGGI cube with the hot water and pour over the cabbage rolls.
Cover with aluminum foil and bake in an 180C oven for 30-45minutes.